Adobe Bugbase running on ColdFusion is revamped

There had been a lot of problems with Adobe Bugbase, but not any more. Kapil Arora from Adobe, confirmed today on Twitter that, a new build was posted. This should address the login/cookie issues with the bugtracker.


So, people around here, go ahead and test the new bugbase. If you have issues, report here or on twitter. Good work Kapil.

6 thoughts on “Adobe Bugbase running on ColdFusion is revamped

  1. Hi Anit,

    Another issue is: When Adobe staff adds comments on a ticket, we do not get notified. Example:

    1) I create a ticket
    2) non-Adobe user adds a comment, then I get an email saying there was a ticket update
    3) Adobe user adds a comment, then I do not get an email saying there was a ticket update
    4) The status of the ticket changes, then I get an email saying there was a ticket update

    Basically, the only time we get emails about ticket updates is if the ticket’s status changes or if a non-Adobe user adds a comment.

    Maybe they can look into that too?



  2. Hi Aaron,
    I’m in process of understanding the current workflow. There were some changes that were done to notification after we got lot of customer requests for it.
    Let me see how we can incorporate your workflow in current behavior.


  3. Hi Aaron,
    Can you quickly check your preferences (option appears on top right once you log in) on bugbase, if your notifications is enabled or not?


  4. Hi Kapil,

    Yes, I always have that setting enabled: “Send me updates and requests related to the bugs/features to which I have contributed. [x] Yes [ ] No”

    I do get updates when a non-Adobe user adds a comment (good). I do get updates when the ticket status changes (good).

    So, only issue is: I don’t get updates when an *Adobe* user adds a -comment-. I would like to get updates when an Adobe user (for instance, a CF engineer) adds a comment.

    Thanks very much for looking into this!,


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